
Donald Trump Said – Biden, Who Won In Electoral Voting, Can Leave The White House

US  President  Donald Trump isn’t prepared to accept the recent election defeat. On Thursday, Donald Trump said that if Joe Biden of the Democrats wins electoral voting, then solely he can decide to leave the White House. Let me tell you that Donald Trump has not yet shown any official stance on the transfer of power.

But, Trump said it might be “a very arduous issue to concede” and declined to say whether he would attend Biden’s inauguration, which is due to requiring place on twenty January.

It was the primary time he had taken queries from reporters since election day, and every now and then he turned combative, calling one reporter a “lightweight” and telling him “referring talk to me like that”.

Trump’s administration has already given the green light for a formal transition to get underway. However, Trump took issue with Biden moving forward.

I suppose it is not right that considering trying to pick a cabinet,” Trump said, although officers from each group are already operating along to get Biden’s team up to speed.

In late-night tweets, Trump complained that the media had not covered his news conference in the way he had needed, saying the main point he had tried to form was that he won the election. Twitter flagged his comments.

The electoral school is due to fulfill on fourteen December when every state’s nominated electors can solid their votes for the winner of the state’s primary ballot. The votes are officially counted by Congress on 6 January.

When asked about Trump’s comments, Biden campaign spokesperson, Michael Gwin said: “President-elect Biden won 306 electoral votes. States continue to certify those results, the Electoral School will soon meet to ratify that outcome, “adding:” Biden will be sworn in as President on January 20, 2021. ”

Showing that he intends to stay within the political fray till the tip of his term, Trump said on Thursday he would travel on five December to Georgia, a once solidly Republican state he lost narrowly to Biden, to campaign for two Republican Senate candidates.

The two runoff elections in Georgia on 5 January will confirm whether or not the Republicans keep their majority in the Senate.

Biden and Trump both stayed close to home to celebrate Thanksgiving as the coronavirus pandemic raged across the country.

And as he refused to concede, Trump announced that he will be traveling to Georgia to rally supporters prior 2 Senate runoff elections that will determine which party controls the Senate. Trump said the rally for Republican Sens. David Perdue and Sen. Kelly Loeffler would probably be held Saturday. The White House later clarified he had meant Dec. 5

Trump also said officials in key states that he lost were “communists” and “enemies of the state”.He declined to say whether or not he would attend Biden’s inauguration, scheduled for January twenty but said he intends to hold a rally in the US state of Georgia on December 5 in support of 2 Republican Senate candidates there.

The results of those election runoffs will decide which party gets a majority within the US Senate. The Trump campaign has refused to recognize Biden because the outright winner of the presidential race, filing lawsuits in many key states and stymying Biden’s transition efforts.

Most of the Trump campaign challenges centered on allegations of voter fraud and have been dismissed by Michigan’s certification of its results on Tuesday seemed to seal Trump’s losing fate.

On November 6, Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates hinted that Trump may be removed should he refuse to go away office, saying the US government “is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House”.

The outgoing US President interacted with media for the primary time since losing to his Democratic opponent Biden in the recently concluded elections

He, but, said it would be a slip-up if the electoral school elected Biden because the President, adding that it would be a “very arduous issue” to concede. However again, Trump claimed that the presidential elections were rigged because the results showed Biden winning the majority of the seats inbound key areas that “mattered in terms of elections” (concerning swing states)

On the contrary, Trump said, Biden has lost many seats in different states, even compared to former President Barack Obama.

Donald Trump alleges that there has been a massive fraud in the counting of votes and that these votes are fraudulently cast in favor of Democrats. He said that nobody desires the election results to pretend.

Let us recognize that there are constant tweets on Donald Trump’s election results, but Twitter is denying his claims.

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