
Covid-19: More Than 150 Security Personnel Deployed To Protect President Joe Biden Found Corona Infected

Within the US, a case of death of more than four thousand individuals due to Coronavirus was reported for the second consecutive day last Thursday. According to public health information from the news agency Reuters, 410,00 people have died within the US from Corona so way.

More than a hundred and fifty security personnel deployed at the swearing-in ceremony of US President Joe Biden have been found corona infected. This data was given by a US official on Friday.

Before Joe Biden was sworn in as President, robust security arrangements were made on January vi in Capitol Hill following the violence committed by Donald Trump’s supporters. On January 20, Biden was sworn in because of the 46th President of the United States.

Checkpoints and barbed wire were put in outside the White House. Additional than 25 thousand troopers were deployed in the town. On the condition of anonymity, a political candidate said that several security guards have been found to be Corona positive out of more than 25 thousand security personnel deployed in the town. The number of Corona-infected security personnel could increase more.

Joe Biden

In the US, the case of the death of more than four thousand individuals due to Coronavirus was reported for the second consecutive day last Thursday. According to public health data from the news agency Reuters, 410,00folks have died within the US from Corona thus far.

In an exceeding statement issued by the National Guard, it had been said that there will be no discussion regarding the Corona infected security guards.

However, it had been positively said that before the deployment of security personnel in town, they were screened and body temperature was additionally measured. According to the army, arrangements are made for thousands of soldiers to come home and in the subsequent five to 10 days, 15,000 security personnel from Washington are expected to be sent back to their homes.

Let us grasp that the cases of corona infection in America don’t appear to be curbed. After Donald Trump’s exit from the presidency and Biden’s command of the US, there has been a lot of change within the strategy created for Corona here. President Biden has asked all voters in America to apply masks and take necessary precautions regarding Corona for the following one hundred days.

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