10 Countries Together With China, Pakistan Put On US Special Watch List

The US has taken action on a total of ten countries, as well as China and Pakistan, once cases of violation of religious freedom have come back to the fore. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo informed on Tuesday that China and Pakistan have currently been put on a special watch list by the US.

The US has place ten such countries on the special watch list, where spiritual freedom is being suppressed. America says that everyone these countries have failed to stop nonsecular persecution in their countries. These countries include Myanmar, China, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Eritrea, and North Korea.

Apart from these countries, Comoros, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Russia have additionally been put on a separate list, that is accused of suppressing religious freedom.

Significantly, the work of suppressing minorities is being tired of Pakistan every day. At times, reports of Hindu women being kidnapped and forcibly married to neighboring countries are reported. Apart from this, people of foreign origin are abused many times in Pakistan. On behalf of India, these problems have also been raised in an exceedingly diplomatic way.

If we tend to talk about China, then what kind of treatment China is treating Uigar Muslims isn’t hidden from anyone. Religious freedom isn’t being given to Muslims in China and in a manner, they have been closed in camps where forced labor is done. Several countries of the world as well as America have warned China on this issue earlier.

Not only some countries, but however the name of some organizations has also been released by the US, that have done the work of suppressing religious freedom on the planet.

According to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, these include the names of organizations like Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, ISIS, ISIS-Greater Sahara, ISIS-West Africa, Taliban. America has given these organizations Frank R. Wolf International has been included within the special list beneath the Nonsecular Freedom Act, 2016.

America has taken a massive step against China (China) and Pakistan (Pakistan). The United States has taken action against a complete of 10 countries, together with China and Pakistan, when several cases of nonsecular freedom were violated. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave this information on eight December.

According to Mike Pompeo, China and Pakistan have now been placing on a special watch list by the US. With this, the US has put ten such countries on the special watch list, where non-secular freedom is being suppressed. America says that each one of these countries has failed to stop non-secular persecution in their countries.

The US features a number of measures behind taking action on Pakistan and China. Significantly, the work of suppressing minorities is being tired of Pakistan per day. At times, reports of Hindu girls being kidnapped and forcibly married to neighboring countries are reported. Apart from this, folks of foreign origin have been abused several times in Pakistan.

At the same time, the explanation behind this is the inhuman treatment of Uygar Muslims in China. Spiritual freedom is not being given to Muslims in China and in a very means they are locked in camps where they’re forced to work. Several countries on the planet including America have warned China on this issue earlier.

In addition, the US has additionally released the names of some organizations that have hurt religious freedom worldwide. According to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, these embody the names of organizations like al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, ISIS, ISIS-Greater Sahara, ISIS-West Africa, Taliban.


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