
Rocket Attack In Afghanistan’s Capital Kabul,3 Killed

Kabul police said that half of Kabul has been attacked by rockets in the morning. According to the police, this rocket has been fired from Khairkhana space.

Home Ministry spokesman Tariq Ariyan said that two shells were fired within the premises of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. One shell was fired from the northern part of the capital and a carriage.

Kabul has been attacked in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Saturday morning. A minimum of one common citizen was killed in this attack whereas the other was injured.

Kabul police said that half of Kabul has been attacked by rockets in the morning. According to the police, this rocket has been fired from Khairkhana space.

Home Ministry spokesman Tariq Ariyan said that two shells were fired within the premises of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. One shell was fired from the northern part of the capital and a carriage. No one has taken responsibility for the attack immediately.

Organizations affiliated with the Islamic State of Afghanistan have disbursed such attacks before. More than two dozen mortars were fired last month, in that eight common people died and 31were injured.

According to Afghanistan’s leading TV news channel Tolo News, a minimum of 10 rockets is fired on numerous areas of the capital. According to the information so so much, one person has been killed and 2 injured in the attacks. According to Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry, these rockets are fired from the Lab-e-Jar space.

The areas of the capital that have been targeted in these attacks embody totally different parts of town including the airport, the air space of ?? PD nine, Jan Abad, and therefore the Khwaja Ravash area of ?? PD 15.

The cities of the capital that are targeted in these attacks Various components of the airport, including the airport’s space of ?? PD nine, Jan Abad and Khwaja Ravash area of ?? PD fifteen.

Violence has increased in Afghanistan in recent months. Attacks have also increased within the capital of Kabul in recent times. Government institutions, foreign nationals in addition to journalists have additionally been targeted in these attacks. A few days ago, a feminine journalist, Malala, was shot and killed in Kabul.

A blast occurred close to the jail in which one person was killed and three people were injured. The second blast occurred in the seventh district of the city however no casualties were reported. According to native media, the explosions were caused by magnetic mines.

According to an AFP report, such photos also are being shared on social media in which rock pits are seen.

At the same time, TOLO News quoted the interior ministry as claiming that 3 individuals were killed and several others were injured in the attack. It states that fourteen rockets are fired on Kabul.

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