Donald trump

Donald Trump Says If He Is Right Concerning Election Fraud, ‘Biden Cannot Be President’

President Trump is once once more charging that last month’s presidential election was rigged and rampant with fraud.

And he argued that “if we are right regarding the fraud, Joe Biden can’t be president. We have a tendency to talking regarding hundreds of thousands of votes. We tend to talk concerning numbers like nobody has ever seen before.”

Taking aim once more at the surge in absentee balloting and early voting because of health considerations amid the coronavirus pandemic, the president emphasized that “we have a tendency to used to have what was known as Election Day.

Now we tend to have election days, weeks and months, and lots of unhealthy things happened during this ridiculous amount of time.”

“The mail and voting scam is the most recent part of their four-year effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election. And it’s been like living in hell,” Trump argued. And it comes as a growing variety of members of his own party have broken with Trump over his claims of voter fraud.

The president has refused to concede to Biden, a lot of than 3 and a half weeks once Fox News, the Associated Press, and other news organizations projected that the previous vice president would win enough electoral votes to defeat Trump and become president-elect.

Trump’s legal team filed a spate of lawsuits in several of the key battleground states, in hopes of delaying the certification of the election, but the ways have been unsuccessful to this point.

And recounts requested by Trump in Georgia and Wisconsin, 2 of the six key battleground states that Biden narrowly edged Trump and which the president has contested, should date failed to alter Biden’s victories.

On Sunday, in his 1st interview since the election, Trump once again claimed that the “election was a fraud; it was a rigged election.”

In his speech on Wednesday, the president said that “we tend to are going to defend the honesty of the vote by guaranteeing that each legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted.” And he emphasized that his efforts are “about making certain that Americans can have religion in this election and in all future elections.”

To this point, we have a tendency to have not seen fraud on a scale that would have affected a different outcome within the election,” Mr. Barr said.

Mr. Barr’s comments came as another Trump ally signaled he was ready to maneuver on when a surreal month of lawsuits, conspiracy theories, and denials by the president of a loss that has proved durable and decisive.

Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the bulk leader, who has refused to recognize Mr. Trump’s election loss, on Tuesday moved nearer to overtly accepting the reality that Mr. Biden would be within the White House next year while discussing the prospects for a lot of pandemic stimulus in 2021.

“When the first of the year, there is doubtless to be a discussion regarding some further package of some size next year, depending upon what the new administration desires to pursue,” Mr. McConnell said at a news conference.

Taken together, Mr. Barr’s direct declaration and Mr. McConnell’s indirect reference to Mr. Biden’s new administration represent a significant if not sudden, blow to the president’s postelection effort to change the results from 2 men whom he has typically relied on for political cover.

Moments when Mr. Barr’s comments were made public, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s lawyer, emailed an announcement on campaign letterhead, claiming – once more without proof – that he had found “ample” proof of national voter fraud sufficient to swing the election to Mr. Biden.

“With the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be while not any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud,” wrote Mr. Giuliani late Tuesday.

Mr. Barr was seen getting into the White House grounds Tuesday afternoon. A department spokesman said he was there for previously scheduled appointments that didn’t embody a gathering with the president.

Amid the fallout from Mr. Barr’s statements about the election, the Justice Department conjointly announced that he had given additional protection to the federal prosecutor examining the origins of the investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia.

President Trump is claimed to own mentioned pre-emptive pardons for his eldest three children and for Rudolph W. Giuliani, his lawyer. A Republican official in Georgia urged Mr. Trump to “stop inspiring folks to commit potential acts of violence.

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