929 people died due to corona virus in 24 hours, some restrictions were imposed in Moscow and nearby areas

Corona infection is again wreaking havoc in Russia. On Wednesday, 929 people died of corona in the country. This is the largest number of people who died of infection in Russia. Delta transition is on the rise here. Some restrictions have been imposed in Moscow and nearby areas.Russia is the fifth most affected country in the world in terms of infection. So far more than 75 lakh positive cases have been found here. The slowdown in the vaccination campaign is said to be the reason for this.

Vaccination of only 30% of the population

According to government data, 929 infected people died in 24 hours. Officials are motivating people to get the vaccine, although it did not get good results. According to a website, till Wednesday only 30% of the 146 crore population have been vaccinated. In September, some close to President Vladimir Putin were found infected. After this the President was also in isolation for 2 weeks.

More deaths of those who did not get the vaccine

A few days ago, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that more people died without vaccination than those who got vaccinated. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that imposing a lockdown in any area would not be right. In view of the epidemic, restrictions have been imposed in Moscow and nearby areas. The risk of delta infection has been reported to be high.

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