
Amazon postpones face-to-face return of employees until January 2022 due to pandemic

The giant Amazon decided this Thursday to postpone the mandatory return of its employees to the office until January 2022, following the example of large American companies that adjust their rules in the face of the new wave of infections by Covid-19.

Amazon decided that workers who had to return to a face-to-face mode regularly from September 7 will do so from January 3. The slogan applies in the United States and other countries, but the company did not specify which ones.

“We will follow the advice of local authorities and work closely with the best health professionals, accepting their advice and recommendations, to ensure that workspaces are adapted in the best way for the safety of our employees,” said the group.

Amazon is far from the only one to make this decision. Microsoft also postponed the full reopening of its offices at the beginning of October, even leaving the possibility for employees who are in charge of vulnerable people, or who are parents of children who cannot be vaccinated, to continue teleworking until January.

Following in the footsteps of Google and Facebook, the computer giant also announced that vaccination is mandatory for anyone who comes to its offices.

These decisions come as the pandemic for the Delta variant of the coronavirus rebounds and local authorities take new sanitary measures.

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